Exams and Assessment

In many courses, your progress will be measured by assessments or examinations. 

Because of Covid-19, many awarding organisations have suspended examinations this summer, and are providing instructions to colleges on how your qualification will be assessed.  Please bear with us - your tutor will let you know as soon as we have received instructions and information from the awarding organization. This will be reviewed and updated to reflect published guidelines. If you require special exam arrangements, you must notify your tutor and Additional Learning Support Co-ordinator within the first four weeks of the course starting.

Visit Learning Support for information about help with learning difficulties or disabilities. Many of our courses are currently being delivered remotely, and we are making arrangements for learners to receive learning support online or remotely where appropriate.

For more details on examination and assessment processes, as well as how to appeal if you disagree with the outcome of an assessment, please see the Assessment Procedure document.

Policies and Procedures